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Download This Year's User Conference Presentations
Day 1
Closing the Maintenance Lifecycle With Asset Performance Management
Operator Driven Reliability - Mobile Rounds and Inspections
APM Deep Dive - From Pilot to Success
Planning and Scheduling Unleashed on the Web
STO Best Practices and What's New with Prometheus STO
Electronic Permitting and Safety with Kuraray
Assessing Your Maintenance Process and Improvements
Covestro’s Global Work Management Improvement Journey
Managing Operational Risks With New Developments in Hazop and LOPA
Day 2
Getting Master Data Right to Enable Digital Transformation Success
How OMV Uses Riskpoynt with SAP to Drive Operational Improvements
Digital Contractor Management
Turnover and Commissioning Management With BASF
Implementing Digital Permitting and Safe Work (ePAS) Processes
S/4HANA Best Practices With Prometheus
STO: Thinking Beyond the Scope Challenge with Becht
Backlog Prioritization
Asset Management KPIs and Reporting
Bonus Presentations!
Prometheus Scheduling Impacts on Chevron's S/4HANA Transformation
Messer’s Transition to Prometheus Web Scheduler
How Master Data as a Service Solves LyondellBasell’s Master Data Challenges
Permitting & Safety Digitalization Best Practices With Braskem
CITGO's Turnaround Material Management With STO Manager